Design Decisions

RESTful Modeling Language Selection

There is a handful of Modeling Language that can be used for modeling RESTful APIs. The main criteria to select the modeling language to be used was that it has to be machine- and human-readable format, filtering the possibilities to those using JSON and YAML formats. Options like API Blueprint were filtered out because it’s written using Markdown which is more human-readable but much less machine-readable. In contrast, XML-based modeling languages were also left out, because it is not a human-readable format.

The analysis was, therefore, focus on OpenAPI and RAML. Nevertheless, after analyzing their specifications [19] and [18], RAML was considered to be equally descriptive and much less verbose.

Python for raml2agl

Python was selected to develop raml2agl, because of its simplicity. Also, there are many Python libraries that make the development process faster and easier. For instance, Jinja2 makes the entire automatic code generation with relatively less effort. Python YAML parsing library is also used for RAML parsing. Moreover, Python’s dictionaries are a key language feature that proofs to be useful for parsing file’s content. As shown in [15] doesn’t perform the best compared to a comparable implementation in other languages. Nevertheless, a high performance isn’t required from raml2agl since the code generation isn’t being done online nor frequently.

RAML Parser vs pyraml-parser/ramlifications

Even though there are reference implementations of a RAML parser called, pyraml-parser and ramlifications, it was decided to not use them for now since they only support up to RAML 0.8, whereas raml2agl plans to support RAML 1.0.

This fact adds a little overhead to the development and also includes some risks (discussed in PyRAML/ramlifications Adoption). Nevertheless, the RAML Parser didn’t represent much effort to develop and generates the expected behavior efficiently.

Since ramlifications plans to support RAML 1.0 [36], it might be a good idea to integrate it into the RAML Parser once it’s supported.

RPC over Web Socket Communication

Web Socket communication is a powerful communication and design pattern. For instance, Web Socket Communication enables bi-directional and asynchronous communication. Whereas, RPC is a unidirectional and synchronous communication.

Therefore, implementing an RPC on top of Web Socket Communication means losing some communication capabilities. This design decision is probably the most important done regarding the MDD approach.

Even when the RPC communication model isn’t desired, raml2agl can still be used. For instance, it can still be used to automatically generate the AGL Service and the Service Class, since the RPC model is only implemented in APP Class and WebSocketApi.

[15]Python 3 programs versus c++ g++. URL:
[18]RAML Version 1.0: RESTful API Modeling Language. URL:
[19]The openapi specification. URL:
[36]Spotify. Ramlfications. URL: